Goodmorning or good morning – which form is correct?
Good morning is one of the most common greetings in the English language. Considering how popular this greeting is, we should know how to write it correctly. It’s worth knowing whether it is one or two words. Is it goodmorning or good morning? We have answered this question below!

Goodmorning or good morning – which form is correct?
The right answer is good morning. This is the only correct form. That’s because the word good modifies the word morning. Good morning is an exclamation. When we put those two words together, we get a one-word variation which in no way portrays the same meaning. In practice, this means that goodmorning is the incorrect form.
What’s the meaning of good morning?
According to the definition of good morning, this is something you say to greet someone. People say or write good morning when they want to politely greet other people in the morning. When they use those two words, they seem really caring and friendly. In some cases, you can start your email with Good morning.
Goodmorning or good morning – what’s the difference?
As we already know, good morning should be two separate words when written. But let’s be honest, when we say good morning loudly, the first word (good) just melds into the second word (morning) and we can hear one word. The rule is that we should always write such terms (not only good morning, but also good afternoon, good evening, good day, etc.) separately.
How to say good morning differently?
- Morning!
- Hello there!
- Have a great day.
- Good day to you.
- Rise and shine!
- Hello, everyone!
Goodmorning or good morning? Now it is all clear! Examples from literature
Oh, good morning, Mademoiselle; is it you? Why, of course I miss Robert. Are you going down to bathe?
Kate Chopin, The Awakening
Hermione, who was already busy in the kitchen, did not wish Harry good morning, but turned her face away quickly as he went by.
J.K. Rowling, Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows