Leaned vs. leant – which form is correct? What’s the difference?
The English language is rich with words that often confuse learners and native speakers alike, especially when it comes to verb forms. In this article, we explore the two past tense forms of the verb ‘to lean’: “leaned” and “leant.” Despite their similar meanings, these forms are used differently depending on the dialect and context.

Leaned vs. leant – understanding the basics
The verb ‘to lean’ has two past tense forms: “leaned” and “leant.” Both forms are correct, but their usage varies geographically. “Leaned” is predominantly used in American English, while “leant” is more common in British English. However, both forms are understood and occasionally used interchangeably in both dialects.
Examples of leaned vs. leant in sentences
To better grasp their usage, consider these examples:
- “She leaned against the door, waiting for it to open.”
- “He leant his bike against the wall and walked away.”
These examples demonstrate the interchangeability of “leaned” and “leant” in everyday usage.
Leaned vs. leant – regional preferences
While both forms are correct, it’s useful to be aware of regional preferences to tailor your language accordingly. In American English, “leaned” is the preferred form, while British English favors “leant.” This distinction, while subtle, helps in aligning with the linguistic norms of the respective regions.
Leaned vs. leant – usage in literature
She leaned forward and whispered in his ear.
F. Scott Fitzgerald, “The Great Gatsby”
He leant upon his stick in thoughtful silence.
Arthur Conan Doyle, “The Adventure of the Bruce-Partington Plans”