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ABOUT CORRECTME.ORG is a project that provides endless resources about the English language. Our team of editors takes great care to fact-check the information included on our website in the most reliable and up-to-date dictionaries available. is created by professionals and enthusiast alike, whose mission is to help you navigate the complexities of English.


Dear reader, we’re so glad you’re here! is a project that provides endless resources about the English language. Our team of editors takes great care to fact-check the information included on our website in the most reliable and up-to-date dictionaries available. is created by professionals and enthusiast alike, whose mission is to help you navigate the complexities of English.

Language errors and how to avoid them

We take issues you might face head on with a series of articles explaining the intricacies of the English language. We tackle errors connected with spelling, pronunciation, vocabulary, grammar, and more.

We believe that correctness should be on the mind of every user of the modern lingua franca we call English. Should I write cancelation or cancellation? When to use its vs. it’s? These are just some of the questions that English speakers ask themselves, regardless of whether it’s their native or second language. Confusing issues include grammatical problems like correct verb forms and tenses, but some of the most common problems are caused by the complex relationship between English spelling and pronunciation, which makes it difficult to distinguish between words like whose or who’s or then vs. than, etc. Our website aims to explain all this and more.

More than just grammar is more than just a collection of dos and don’ts. With professional takes, in-depth analyses and personal touches, our articles are curated to provide the information and tips you need in the most accessible form possible. Whether you’re wondering if it should be laying or lying, or you’re not sure which spelling is correct, noone or no one, we’ve got you covered!